The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems faced by the transgenders in the society, while applying for the jobs and faced Male Escort Salary Usa on the bases of sexual identity for which they are being neglected in the overall society and are not accepted as well. The primary data was gathered by distributing questionnaires among transgenders. The sample size used for this study is employees that are currently working in WASA Water and Sewerage Authority it is an organization in Pakistan. SPSS software was used to analyze data for multiple linear regression analysis and reliability analysis. The results were contingent by usual principles of statistics. Based on the results the hypotheses conducted Male Escort Salary Usa accepted. The findings recommended that the society has a notion developed within them or inherited on the bases of which transgenders have always been neglected and treated as minorities. They cannot get the job that they deserve even though having same education as others. Thus, the laws and rules are developed in order to provide them the jobs, so that they can earn bread for their families in order to feed them. Bu çalışmanın amacı transseksüellerin toplumda kabul görmedikleri işlere başvururken karşılaştıkları ve cinsel kimlik temelinde ayrımcılığa maruz kaldıklarında yaşadıkları sorunları incelemektir. Birincil veriler, transseksüeller arasında anketler dağıtılarak toplanmıştır. Çoklu doğrusal regresyon ve güvenilirlik analizleri SPSS yazılımı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre kurulan hipotezler kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular, transseksüellerin her zaman ihmal edildiği ve azınlık olarak muamele gördüğü temeline dayalı olarak kendi içinde geliştirdikleri veya miras aldıkları bir nosyona sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Başkalarıyla aynı eğitime sahip olmalarına rağmen hak ettikleri işlere giremedikleri belirlenmiştir. Buradan hareketle onlara iş sağlamak için yasalar ve kurallar geliştirilmesi, böylece ailelerini doyurmak için para kazanabilmeleri sağlanabilir. Türkçe Turkish English. Journal of Organizational Behavior Review. Araştırma Makalesi. EN TR. PDF Kütüphaneme Ekle ×. Araştırma Oluştur Kapat. Öz The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems faced by the transgenders in the society, while applying for the jobs and faced discrimination on the bases of sexual identity for which they are being neglected in the overall society and are not accepted as well. Kaynakça Allegretto, S. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Armas, H. Whose sexuality counts? Research for Development Outputs, Badgett, L. A Journal of Economy and Society, Chicago-Kent law review, Bell, M. Voice, silence, and diversity in 21st century organizations: Strategies for inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees. Humn Resource Management, Black, D. The Economics of Lesbian and Gay Families. Journl of Economic Perspectives, Borm, H. What drives hiring discrimination against transgenders?
The results were contingent by usual principles of statistics. Children of the Night. Badgett, L. National Transgender Discrimination Survey Report on health and health care. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research,
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