To browse Academia. Abstract The cities are settlements where many living and inanimate beings live on and have changed and developed depending on the conditions of their period in the historical process. Society, on the other hand, has experienced the areas in which it continues to live in order to meet its basic needs, such as housing and nutrition. Over time, these areas became places where individuals adopted and established belonging, gaining a place in the memory of the urban and becoming a place of memory. In addition, mankind has initiated the shopping action to Mersin merdivenli kuyu eskort its requirements. With the advancement of commercial activities, trade centers were established and individuals communicated and socialized with each other in addition to the take-and-export action in these centers. The shopping places, which started with marketplaces and agora in antiquity and later became known as forums, were replaced by bedesten, han, arasta, bazaar, caravanserai and ribat structures in Turkish societies. Bedestens, in particular, were initially built in rectangular form to sell various fabrics and valuables and were located in urban centers. Over time, it became one of the important places where large merchants Mersin merdivenli kuyu eskort and laid the foundations of today's shopping malls. Tarsus is a valuable settlement thanks to its geopolitical position and the city has a historical history of about years. The presence of Lake Regma and its Mersin merdivenli kuyu eskort at the intersection of trade routes made this settlement the center of commercial activities and continued its importance until the 19th century. Therefore, it has many han, bedestens, caravanserais and bazaar structure. However, many of these structures have not been able to survive due to the city's Mersin merdivenli kuyu eskort to district status and the decrease in commercial function. Inthe bedesten was built on two floors during the Ramazan Principality and has survived to the present day and has taken its place among the valuable buildings that symbolize the city. In the study; graduate thesis, articles, journals, books, archives of various institutions were used and in addition, it was carried out based on the survey method carried out with tarsus city. It is not only a party in which people socialize, dance, and play games but also is a significant ritual and symbol that is shaped by the history and cultural values and codes of the Circassian. In organization of " zehes " is organized and conducted according to an order and pattern determined by traditional institutions and unwritten rules of these societies. From this aspect, " zehes " enables endogamic marriages and thus ensures the maintenance of culture and cultural transmission. Also, " zehes " functions as a realms of memory that makes the youth sustain their relationship with the community andstrenghtens their sense of belonging and ethnic identity. Zira III. Often, little is known about these convents, and the knowledge on the Bektashi group of dervishes settled in these places remains fragmented. To date, there is no comprehensive study concerning the connections between dervishes and shrines and between dervishes and worshippers visiting the sacred sites. This study aims to shed light on the Bektashi dervishes in the shrine of Imam Riza and their convent and explore their associations with local institutions, including Astan Quds Razavi, which the ofcial organization is charged with shrine patronage. The aim is to do so by using historical narrations and archival documents and other records preserved in the Archive Center of this organization, hoping that these unprocessed documents will enrich the related literature. This convent stood until the Pahlavi period, and Astan-i Quds-i Razavi fnancially supported the dervishes. They received aid from the religious endowments and charitable donations waqf. Tabriz, one of the ancient cities of Azerbaijan, has always been famous for its beauty, material and spiritual wealth. The nature and architecture of this city attracted the attention of medieval travelers and geographers. Dozens of medieval sources contain information about Tabriz and its prominent personalities. Based on the sources in the article, information is given about Tabriz and its prominent figures who lived in the XI century. Among these outstanding personalities, Khatib Tabrizi occupies a special place. In various sources, despite his poems, he is more known as a scientist. The greatest merit of a scientist in the Eastern culture is the anthologies compiled on the basis of ancient poetry and his comments on poets' poems. Although dozens of philologists have commented on this work, Khatib Tabrizi's interpretation was chosen in terms of its style and has been frequently referred in various researches. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.
Arkeologlarımız çalışmalarını sürdürüyor" dedi. THY da uçağın kalkışından yarım saat önce eserleri kabul etmeyince bu kötü olay yaşandı. Çünkü Tepecik belki ilk senelerde tahminimizden daha büyük, geniş bir alana yayılıyor. Van Kent Haber, Bunun üzerine, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı eserlerin iadesi için girişim başlattı. Edebiyat Şiir Document 11 pages.
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